Sunday, August 28, 2011
Boring weekend

I am still bored... I am not allowed to play, only leash walks and that is okay sometimes, but after 10 days I am ready to RUN!!! We have started doing our ball work, so that is something fun to do but doesn't last very long. Mom said we can do some dumbbell games today and maybe a few other things. I sure hope so!!!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
New game is not funny
Mom tried to play some sit down games with me tonight and they started out fun. I am really good at having treats on my legs and paws and all around me and play the "leave it" game. Tonight Mom decided to put some on my nose - now that is not funny. I would smile at her and turn my head sideways so it would not stay and then I would "kiss" her and let her know that it was not funny. I had her laughing so hard, but I didn't think it was funny. It is not nice to make me look cross eyed at food on my nose.
We did have fun though, she only succeeded once, when I didn't know what she was doing. But then I was ready for her!!
Maybe I shouldn't complain if these are the games she comes up with. It could be worse!!
We did have fun though, she only succeeded once, when I didn't know what she was doing. But then I was ready for her!!
Maybe I shouldn't complain if these are the games she comes up with. It could be worse!!
Done with this surgery!!!
I am so tired of doing nothing! I want to run, I want to play, and I REALLY want to go to class!!! Mom keeps telling me that I have to be quiet???? There is nothing you can do without running. I can't even play retrieve as you are to RUN to get it and RUN back. And then I can't tug either... that doesn't involve running. I just do not think this is fair. I am SO DONE with this!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Isn't this where everyone leaves their bone
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Morning bone
Saturday, August 20, 2011
I finally convinced Mom to take me to my back yard! She made me wear my harness and walk out on a leash, but that was okay. We really did have a lot of fun, even on a leash. We both walked through my hunting area and Mom let me hunt and point all I wanted. When we were headed to the house, I stopped and gave her a big hug and kiss for taking me out there.
See how happy I am to be in my yard!!!

And now I am resting.... (after getting a big drink of water)

Day Three
Ok, enough is enough! It is time to go run and play. I am tired of laying around in the house. Mom took me with her to run a couple of errands this morning, but when we got home I told her - let's go play!! We went out in the front yard (from my request!) and walked around a little. But I need to do more.
Hopefully she will listen as I really NEED to do something.
Hopefully she will listen as I really NEED to do something.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Day Two
Last night was really bad, for me and Mom. She ended up bringing me downstairs and we slept on the couch. I kept changing positions and worried Mom a lot. As well as she was really sore from sleeping on the couch.
We did have a good breakfast though. We never fix big breakfasts, but Mom did today and it was yummy! I am so glad I am allowed to eat my normal meals again AND share Mom's.
I still am not happy that I cannot go in my back yard. I keep telling Mom that I will be okay but she will not let me go. Yesterday she said, maybe tomorrow. And now today, maybe tomorrow. I think it is a trick!
I even tried to play tug today and she would not let me. Goodness, can't I do anything?? I sure hope this "surgery" thing ends soon as I am tired of not being able to play and run.
I do like playing with my comfort mouse though.
We did have a good breakfast though. We never fix big breakfasts, but Mom did today and it was yummy! I am so glad I am allowed to eat my normal meals again AND share Mom's.
I still am not happy that I cannot go in my back yard. I keep telling Mom that I will be okay but she will not let me go. Yesterday she said, maybe tomorrow. And now today, maybe tomorrow. I think it is a trick!
I even tried to play tug today and she would not let me. Goodness, can't I do anything?? I sure hope this "surgery" thing ends soon as I am tired of not being able to play and run.
I do like playing with my comfort mouse though.

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Surgery day
Well, I didn't know exactly what was going on today, but I knew something was as I did not get cookies or breakfast. This has happened too many times lately, that now I understand that it does not mean good things to come.
Mom took me to the doctor and she even took me back and put me in the kennel. Michelle put a big nice comforter in there for me, and I got in and gave her kisses. She told Mom that we became friends last time I was there. She took good care of me!
I learned something new this time, if you scream, they will call Mom to come and get you early. What a great trick. I never knew that before, I always just sat there and waited. It cut 2 hours off my stay. I am so glad I learned this!
I had to get in a cage in the middle of the van and I couldn't see anything, I was not very happy about that and told Mom about it. She didn't really care that I was using my big boy voice, she just told me that we would be home soon. She had everything ready for me and I went in the office and took a nap on my cushy bed and pig pillow. She massaged me and zebbed me and gave me homeopathics. I really do not like taking them, but I wasn't in any condition to argue with her. I guess it was good as they really did help me.
At bed time, she was worried about me going upstairs and really tried to help me. But I was okay, the steps are not that bad. I did have my comfort mouse though and even took him to bed with me.
Mom took me to the doctor and she even took me back and put me in the kennel. Michelle put a big nice comforter in there for me, and I got in and gave her kisses. She told Mom that we became friends last time I was there. She took good care of me!
I learned something new this time, if you scream, they will call Mom to come and get you early. What a great trick. I never knew that before, I always just sat there and waited. It cut 2 hours off my stay. I am so glad I learned this!
I had to get in a cage in the middle of the van and I couldn't see anything, I was not very happy about that and told Mom about it. She didn't really care that I was using my big boy voice, she just told me that we would be home soon. She had everything ready for me and I went in the office and took a nap on my cushy bed and pig pillow. She massaged me and zebbed me and gave me homeopathics. I really do not like taking them, but I wasn't in any condition to argue with her. I guess it was good as they really did help me.

At bed time, she was worried about me going upstairs and really tried to help me. But I was okay, the steps are not that bad. I did have my comfort mouse though and even took him to bed with me.

Sunday, August 14, 2011
Fly catcher
My New TOY!!!

Gary found this great toy for me at the toy store in the "bargain bin" he got it really cheap and thought it would be a great toy for us to play tug with. I really tug hard with Gary and sometimes in my haste to take the handle I get his fingers :( So he thought this would be good as we could each have an end and the ball would protect his fingers. He "thought" the ball would not fit in my mouth. Silly Gary....

I love my new toy though and take it everywhere. I even take it out with me to hunt. And not only does the ball fit in my mouth, I can hold it AND point.

Mom and I played retrieve with it too. She said it was hard to throw because it is heavy and she has to be careful as it could take down a jump!

More posing
There were a lot of geese there and as we were getting closer they were forming a line to get me.
Well, I showed them, I herded them right out of the park. Who says border collies are the only ones that can herd?? Mom told me I did such a good job I should apply to Go Geese Go for a full time geese herding job :)

Well, I showed them, I herded them right out of the park. Who says border collies are the only ones that can herd?? Mom told me I did such a good job I should apply to Go Geese Go for a full time geese herding job :)

Morning run

Mom and I went to a new place to run today. We went to the schools just down the road and it was a lot of fun. Lots of room to run, fully fenced, and lots of new things to check out. But that also means lots of new picture opportunities for Mom. It was so much fun as it was cool and even a few raindrops!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Alum Creek
Mom and I went to Alum Creek today to run. We have not been there for a long time as it has been so hot. Well, we overdid it today and I got waaay too hot! We ran for about 40 minutes and then headed home. I overheated and Mom rushed me home to the air conditioning and my fan. I could hardly walk in the house and I just plopped in front of the fan. Mom was very concerned about me and worked hard to cool me off.

It was scary to be so hot, but luckily the ac and the fan did their job with Mom's help. I am feeling much better now and ready to go out and play some more.
Friday, August 12, 2011
First Novice Run Through
We had our first novice run through tonight and we did a good job. There were a lot of dogs there for the small waiting area. We didn't have a lot of room to warm up, so we had to go in without much practice. It took a couple of times for Mom to get me in proper position (and she even stepped on my foot once - ouch!) but we got in position and we were off. My heeling was very nice, I had a few places where I lost focus as I was looking outside, but Mom got me and we were back on track. My figure 8 was bootiful (according to Mom) but I know I worked very hard on it. My stand for exam was really good too! My off leash heeling was nice, but again, I lose focus every now and then, but Mom would get me and take off and I would catch up and be great again. Guess WE need to work on that focus thing :) My recall was nice, but Mom said my front was off and my finish was a little crooked as I came too far around to look at Mom -she did want focus -right??!! Mom was surprised about my front as we work on them all the time and I can do them great. Don't tell her, but I was looking out the door and then realized I was too far over after it was too late.
I did a great sit stay, we actually did a 2 minute one so that was an AWESOME sit stay :) my down stay, well, let's just say, it wasn't as good as it should have been. Mom could not figure out why I couldn't lay down and wait for a couple minutes when I can lay down in the agility building with all action going on, Mom not watching AND for a lot more time. I just think it is more stressful when she is staring at me!!
But all in all, our first run through was a huge success. Mom even had other handlers tell her that my focus was beautiful. So I think she should lay off a little. We had a lot of fun! I hope we can go do that some more!!!
I wish I had a video, but Mom forgot the camera. She kept saying she had to get it and then remembered when we were about half way there. Maybe next time...
I did a great sit stay, we actually did a 2 minute one so that was an AWESOME sit stay :) my down stay, well, let's just say, it wasn't as good as it should have been. Mom could not figure out why I couldn't lay down and wait for a couple minutes when I can lay down in the agility building with all action going on, Mom not watching AND for a lot more time. I just think it is more stressful when she is staring at me!!
But all in all, our first run through was a huge success. Mom even had other handlers tell her that my focus was beautiful. So I think she should lay off a little. We had a lot of fun! I hope we can go do that some more!!!
I wish I had a video, but Mom forgot the camera. She kept saying she had to get it and then remembered when we were about half way there. Maybe next time...
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Physical Therapy

Mom and I worked on physical therapy again this morning. We do a lot of different things and I think it is fun as we play and I get treats! Mom just tells me what to do and I do it. I know how to "get on and sit" and I know how to "get on" which means front feet on one and back on the other. Mom used to guide me but she started making me work a little more!

Good helper
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Morning run
It has been a great start to my weekend. Mom, Gary and I sat on the deck this morning. Well, they sat on the deck and I played in the yard. Then I sat on the deck and got a massage. It is nice to be massaged outside. Then Mom and I went out and ran in the back yard. We wanted to take advantage (Mom's words) of the cooler weather. We were able to stay out there a long time since it was nice out. I ran and played and Mom chased me and I hunted and had lots of fun. Then we came inside and played tug with my big tug rope.
Then Mom got out some of my new raw cookies and we played in the training room. I am so glad she found these new cookies, they taste really good and she says they are good for me. So that means I get more :) I ate all the tripe ones so I hope she goes back today to get more for me!
Then Mom got out some of my new raw cookies and we played in the training room. I am so glad she found these new cookies, they taste really good and she says they are good for me. So that means I get more :) I ate all the tripe ones so I hope she goes back today to get more for me!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
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