Sunday, April 29, 2012
More Posing (with posies)

Saturday, April 28, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Our New Sport
Mom got all the equipment together for our new sport. We are having so much fun playing Nose Work games. I am ready to move to the next step, now Mom just needs to figure out what the is? :)
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Mom and I had F U N !!! today. We got up really early and took off to Cincinnati. Well, after our normal stop at Panera for breakfast. We were there when they opened the doors :) We went to a new place for us, we have not been there before. The driveway is on a hill and Mom parked the van and we were tilted sideways and it felt weird. Mom said it made her dizzy, so we had to move to the bottom of the hill. But that was okay as then we got to take a longer walk to the building.
I was not sure what we were going to do, there were no "clues" when we got there. Mom sat up our spot and got our name tags and then got me out to play. We practiced our obedience in a new environment and worked on my nose bridge. I am glad I learned that as it is fun! Then we went into another room to practice and it had a dogwalk, but the room was dark. So I did not think that is what we were going to do.
Then when we came out of that room I saw all the boxes all over the floor. COOL!! I love boxes. But wonder what we are going to do with them here. I had to go back to my cage and every one talked for awhile and then Mom came to get me. We got to go first. I was so excited to be standing right by all the boxes. I was supposed to watch and then Mom turned me around to hide my eyes. Then we turned back around and Mom told me to "find it!" Wow, this looks like fun, but what am I supposed to find? I am game so I take off and start going through all the boxes. WOOHOO!! Meatballs, I found meatballs. I like this game. I did so well, she put them in a box inside a box, but I found it :) We got to do 4 passes for our turn. I did great! This game is easy. The instructor told Mom she did a great job praising me at just the right time. Well, I did all the work so Mom should praise me.
We got to play one more time and I knew exactly what to do this time. I followed my nose!! I didn't even have to search, I just followed the scent. The only one that I had to search was the one up high. I didn't know they could be up high, I was searching the ground. But I found it!!!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Work around the house day
Mom and I have been doing things around the house today. We made cookies :) and not just one batch, but two batches of cookies. That was fun, twice the batter to taste test.
Then we carried all our jumps from the garage to the training yard. That was a lot of work!! Well, for Mom, she carried and I supervised. I would have helped if I could have though. So then Mom pulled the van back in garage and put it all back together. Our van has been outside all week because my jumps have been in the garage :)
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Fun day
Mom and I started our day with a walk at the park. It was hot out by the time we got there so we had to take a few water breaks. Luckily Mom carries water and a bowl with her so I can stop and get a drink. I saw several people at the park, but Mom would not let me go see them. When we were done, we took a short break and then worked our metal articles. I got them right every time!!

Later in the day, we went out and set up our ring and we played in the ring. I got yummy Alpaca as my reward. I am so glad we got some to try. Now we need more :)
Then Mom had to paint. I REALLY wanted to help but she put up the baby gate, so all I could do was watch. No fun! We did take breaks to play in the back yard. Then we had to put all our stuff away so Gary could cut the grass, so I helped Mom do that too.

Later in the day, we went out and set up our ring and we played in the ring. I got yummy Alpaca as my reward. I am so glad we got some to try. Now we need more :)
Then Mom had to paint. I REALLY wanted to help but she put up the baby gate, so all I could do was watch. No fun! We did take breaks to play in the back yard. Then we had to put all our stuff away so Gary could cut the grass, so I helped Mom do that too.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Run Thru - including Utility!!!
Mom and I went to a run thru today and we did novice, open and utility. Mom was not happy with our novice, she said I could heel much better. I did really good stays though and that was big as it is the first time I have done them in the ring since the bad stuff happened. And I was between two dogs. We also did 3 min sits and 5 min downs, so I had to stay there for a LONG time!!
When we started open, Mom took off and left me because she didn't think I was heeling as well as I could. It did get my attention and I did much better. Then we did our drop on recall and I did a very good job. Mom was actually excited as I did much better than she thought. And then the dumbbell came out - woohoo!!! I love my dumbbell. I did great on all my jumping.
Then we were ready to try utility. Mom told our "judge" that we were modifying as we are still in the learning process. We started with signals and Mom just went about 1/3 the normal distance, but they were PERFECT!! What a great way to start. Next we did articles and I had trouble, but Mom said she didn't help me very much. She should have done all metal and had the article placed in the top part of the pile. Two of my issues are quick "retrieves" on leather and standing over the bottom of the pile. But I still found the right one, eventually. The we did gloves. I like to retrieve gloves. Mom had a bad turn and didn't get me pointed at the right one, so we had to adjust, but then I nailed it!!
Directive jumping was next. We did 3/4 of the distance, but my go outs were fast, straight and really quick turn and sits!! Lots of compliments on that :) I also nailed both of my jumps exactly right. Then we moved to the moving stand. I probably took a few steps before stopping, but it was still okay. I did a good exam and then right into heel when Mom said to.
Wow - the first time in utility for both of us and it was Great!! Pauline and Linda were very thrilled with us too!! But of course, mom is focused on fixing my heeling....
When we started open, Mom took off and left me because she didn't think I was heeling as well as I could. It did get my attention and I did much better. Then we did our drop on recall and I did a very good job. Mom was actually excited as I did much better than she thought. And then the dumbbell came out - woohoo!!! I love my dumbbell. I did great on all my jumping.
Then we were ready to try utility. Mom told our "judge" that we were modifying as we are still in the learning process. We started with signals and Mom just went about 1/3 the normal distance, but they were PERFECT!! What a great way to start. Next we did articles and I had trouble, but Mom said she didn't help me very much. She should have done all metal and had the article placed in the top part of the pile. Two of my issues are quick "retrieves" on leather and standing over the bottom of the pile. But I still found the right one, eventually. The we did gloves. I like to retrieve gloves. Mom had a bad turn and didn't get me pointed at the right one, so we had to adjust, but then I nailed it!!
Directive jumping was next. We did 3/4 of the distance, but my go outs were fast, straight and really quick turn and sits!! Lots of compliments on that :) I also nailed both of my jumps exactly right. Then we moved to the moving stand. I probably took a few steps before stopping, but it was still okay. I did a good exam and then right into heel when Mom said to.
Wow - the first time in utility for both of us and it was Great!! Pauline and Linda were very thrilled with us too!! But of course, mom is focused on fixing my heeling....
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
In, On, but no under...
Mom and I are participating in a shaping class and our lesson for the weekend was "IN" "ON" and "UNDER." Well, we mastered the in and on in less than 20 minutes with lots of fun. However, the under part does not work for us. Mom's legs are too short and I am too big. We tried it, but Mom fell over and I couldn't move so we had a good laugh and I gave her kisses for trying, but back to the drawing board on that one. I know she did not give up, she has been walking through the house saying "what could he get under?" I think I am in trouble...
Here are my "IN" and "ON"

Here are my "IN" and "ON"

Sunday, April 8, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
My jumps are DONE!!
It has been a real family project to get all my new jumps done. Grandma gave us the jump cup strips for Christmas, Mom and I ran and got all the PVC parts and Gary cut the 120 pieces that we needed. Then Mom and I spent many nights putting them all together.
Today Mom went out in the garage with the drill and drilled all the posts and put the jump cups on. So THEY ARE DONE!!!
Of course I had to pose with them.

Today Mom went out in the garage with the drill and drilled all the posts and put the jump cups on. So THEY ARE DONE!!!
Of course I had to pose with them.

More bunny parts
Gary was getting ready to cook dinner on the grill and I went out in the back yard. I found a bunny leg in the same place I found the headless bunny yesterday. I started to chew it, but Mom took it -again!! We took it to Gary and asked him to put it on the grill :) You should have seen him hold his grill shut. I think he was worried that we really would throw it on the grill!!
School play
Mom took me to the school to run and play today. She said I had 20 minutes to have fun and had to be careful. She is slowly working me back, which is no fun. This is me on my way to run, follow me Mom....

I found this tall grass, there has to be something in there. That is where the critters always hide!

Nothing in there, so had to go to the good ole hunting grounds....

We had so much fun, even if it was only 20 minutes. We always have fun when we go play!

I found this tall grass, there has to be something in there. That is where the critters always hide!

Nothing in there, so had to go to the good ole hunting grounds....

We had so much fun, even if it was only 20 minutes. We always have fun when we go play!
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