Mom took a vacation day today and we headed to Cincinnati for a rally trial. She wasn't sure that I would still like rally as much since we have been doing agility. But I showed her that I do! I even did two big leaps in the ring to show her how much I like it! As always, we got there early so that we could get a good spot, I am so happy that Mom worries about my space, it is very important to me where I spend the day. And I get to greet all the dogs when they come in since I am one of the first ones there. There were a lot of them that I had never met before and I was excited. So excited that Mom was a little worried if I would pay attention; especially since there was an Irish Setter girl right by the ring gates.
Mom's friend Susan was there and I really liked her!! She put her hands on me and I could tell she does good work. I smiled at her and flipped around and gave her my back. She bent down to work on me and I put my head on her shoulder and smiled and her and told her how much I appreciated it.
Mom and I worked on some of our rally signs that we would have to do in the ring and she was happy with my performance. We didn't do a lot as the A/C was not fully functional and Mom didn't want me to get too hot.
When it was our turn, we went to the ring to wait. We were the last big dog and were ready to go in and then they blocked us and said to change the jumps. Mom wasn't sure what was going on and then someone told them, no, there was still a "Weimaraner" to compete. When Mom walked in she told them that she thought I may have to jump higher (she was kidding of course :) We started with a sit, down, sit and then immediately to a jump, I did the jump and then when I went in to heel, I leaped again - once just wasn't enough. We went on to do the rest of the course and I did a great job. We finished our last movement sign, then had slow, normal, finish. Just as we were in the middle of our slow sign, the leash runner starts walking toward us with her hand extended - holding my leash!! Hmm, do I get the leash, do I heel, what do I do?? I started walking toward her and Mom told me to heel. I went back to Mom and then the lady was in our way, so Mom stopped and told her she was not to be in the ring. I sat down, of course, since Mom stopped. We were all very confused!!
When we were done, I got my jackpot of chicken and a jar of beef! It was really good. When we went back to my cage, everyone told Mom what a great job I did and what good heeling I have. They thought we should do obedience the following day. Mom said "no way!"
We went back in the ring for awards - I won the class!! woohoo! how exciting, I got a new toy too. It was funny as Mom was going to buy the same toy for me in their store. I didn't need her to buy it as I *won* it! I earned a 98, mostly due to all the confusion at the end.
What a fun day we had. Mom told me she was very happy with my focus as I am able to focus much quicker and not as distracted with things going on outside the ring. I am maturing!! :)
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