Gary went to pick up Lucy this morning, I was really excited for her to come and visit. Mom and I went out and played in the snow while Gary was gone. When she got here, Mom put her cute little pink coat on her and off we went. We played for awhile and we chased each other, but then she hit me like a torpedo in the ribs. I wasn't expecting her to do that and it knocked me down in the snow. Mom got after her and told her that was unacceptable play and I got up and shook off. Mom was really worried about me as I was just recovering from my fall on the ice several weeks ago. She let us play a little more and Lucy tried to run into me again so we had to go inside. Mom did all her normal stuff to me when I get hurt (arnica, ZEB, massage, reiki) to help me heal. She told us that we would not be able to go outside together any more as it was too dangerous. Then, a little while later, I was just standing in the training room watching Mom, and Lucy did it to me again. I was a litttle more prepared this time and didn't fall down, but she ran right into my rib cage. I think we need to teach her to play nicely as this is not fun.
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