Mom had to pick up my chicken today so we thought it would be a good test for Lucy staying in her cage at our house. I was not very happy to go in my cage on Sunday!! Usually Saturday and Sunday are fun, no cage, days! But Mom promised me that she would not be long and then we could play in the snow when she got home. Plus we would have "food making day" when she got home and when Gary got home from golf. I LOVE food making day, I get lots of samples!!!
When Mom got home we went out in the training yard and played in the "new" snow. We had not been out there all weekend and it was fresh and DEEP!! We played chase - I would chase Mom and Mom would chase me. I run fast when Mom chases me and it was fun running through the deep snow. When we finally came inside, Mom took Lucy out to play. I really wish we could play together and chase each other, but Mom is afraid I will get hurt.
After lunch, we had "food making day" and Gary and Mom ground a lot of chicken for me. Mom bagged some of it too so I can have whole chicken leg quarters a few days a week. Lucy is so silly, she would not even eat raw chicken. She opened her mouth and Mom put some in and she just tipped her head and it fell out on the ground. She sniffed it and walked away, but hey, MORE for ME!! I have never had a friend that would not eat my chicken!!!
Lucy's boot camp has helped her some. She finally can relax and she will lay down and not throw toys at Mom and demand she throw them. As you can imagine, that was not a good thing to do to Mom. Mom would just make the toys disappear. Mom loves to play with us, but not when we are rude about it. (The picture is proof that Lucy CAN relax)
We've had a very busy day and now it is time to watch the Super Bowl and SNACK!! That is the best part, Gary brought home lots of good snacks!!
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