Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mom thought I was chewing a bone while she was eating dinner and I snuck into her briefcase and pulled out my homework and tried to get rid of it!! I thought maybe if I destroyed it, she would forget I had to do it! I didn't take anything else, I just pulled out my homework folder from the middle of all the other papers. Unfortunately, she caught me before I had completely destroyed the evidence. I heard her tell someone that maybe she could sell my picture on eBay to someone that could prove to their teacher that "the dog really did eat my homework." She *thought* she was being funny!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008

It was really nice outside this morning and mom did not have to work, so we went outside to play. I played with my new "Stick." I would run and get it and take it to mom, and she would throw it and I would go get it again. It was a lot of fun. Then we ran around the yard and chased each other. I never let go of my stick, I thought it was a lot of fun to carry it!
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas is GREAT!! I had so much fun and got so many new toys and treats. The paper and bags were the most fun though. I got to unwrap gifts and chew wrapping paper. Gary told mommy that she should have just bought me a ream of paper. hmm, I guess that would be good too! After celebrating and eating breakfast we went to visit family and I got to play with Brier, the Vizsla. He wasn't too sure about me at first, but then we started playing and had fun. I really enjoyed playing with Trace and he gave me treats and made special toys for me with treats in them! Mom said I was a very good boy while we were there, although I had to sit in my cage while everyone ate dinner. Mom shared her turkey with me though. It was really good!! And then I got some carrot cake too! Christmas is a really fun day!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008

WHEW! What a busy week. We are finishing up all the last minute things for Christmas and mom has been taking me everywhere. We went shopping and I met a lot of new people. Every time I see someone new, I wag my tail and walk up to them and tell them "HI, I am Edge!" I am a very good boy too, as I do not jump on them. They really appreciate it and bend down to pet me! See, it works!! I also got a new collar yesterday as I have sort of grown out of my first one. Then I helped mom wrap gifts. Boy that was fun. I would rip paper and take off. She tried to wrap them on a table, but paper would always hang down within my reach! I also got an early gift, I knew if I tried hard enough I would :) Mom finally gave in and let me pick one. I know where my gifts are as I found them last week, can't hide things like that with my good nose! Then we went to visit family, I was exhausted. I slept all the way there and most of the time we were there. It has been a very busy week for such a young guy.
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa sent all my stuff to us since we couldn't bring it back on the plane. It was like an early Christmas. I had so much fun going through all the new toys, removing the tags, and the tape was really fun too :) Then mom tried to make me wear some silly hat - no way, wasn't having anything to do with that!! I heard her say she would try again when I was sleepy, yea, I will eat it!!
We also received a special picture of me and my mommy, Stormey, when I was very little. That was Gary's favorite thing in the box. Mommy already displayed it with that silly little hat that she thought I should wear - NOT!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I am so excited!! I went to see Santa tonight! When I jumped in his lap, I pulled his beard and then realized that probably was not a good way to get good gifts, so I gave him lots of kisses. I did a little shopping while waiting in line and gave Santa my wish list for Christmas. It's all about the food, and they sure had a lot of it there! If you check back on Friday, you can see my cute pictures with Santa. They even got one of me kissing him!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Edge goes to Home Depot

Edge and I went to Home Depot for a little socializing and exercise. It is really cold outside today! As usual, he walks in, checks out the situation and thinks, I can handle this! He walked through the store very confidently and proud. Bruce and Debbie have done such a great job with these kids, he has been able to handle every situation I have thrown his way. Everyone thought he was so cute in his little coat and his big attitude :) He met men, women and a very small child and enjoyed everyone he met. We also did a little bit of our homework and some puppy recalls. Then we came home to eat dinner and take a nap.
Worn out Weimaraner
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Edge is very handsome and is learning to "strut his stuff" and stand to look pretty. He's not really sure why he has to do this, but knows mom wants him to. He also looks in the mirror to see that handsome boy looking back at him! Luckily there is a tunnel and some other fun things and he gets to play with those while mom talks.

We went out to play today at lunch as it was really nice outside. Edge was able to run and play and eat leaves! I told him to enjoy it as snow was on the way! Edge got a new frisbee today and had so much fun. He held it so it covered his eyes and he ran into the fence. He learned pretty fast that there was a better way to do that! He figured out that you need to *see* where you are going! What a smart boy!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I took time off work to spend with Edge. We went to visit a lot of people including all the people that I work with. He was a hit at the office!! They all thought he was really cute! He also went to meet Maria, the stylist that cuts my hair. He got lots of hugs and kisses there too. We had a lot of fun going to meet everyone. Edge is a very good boy and getting into routine very well. He even learned to spin for his food today. I think he felt he would get his fooder quicker if he would spin! He is also going in his cage at night and going to sleep with no noise. He is such a good boy. I think he knows it as I tell him all the time! :)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Edge's new coat

Edge does well for his first night. Only about 5 minutes of crying in his cage and then fell asleep and slept all night! What a good boy. He also showed me how to escape from a soft side. I set one up in the office and had the top open. He was asleep, so I went in the other room. He started crying and then was quiet. When I checked on him, the crate was on its side and he was exploring! 8 weeks old and already an escape artist! We spent the day exploring the house and yard and taking naps. What a great way to spend a Sunday.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
We are home!!!

Saturday (Nov 29) at noon, We are home!!! Gary met us as at the airport as we came out and headed to the grass. He was so excited to meet Edge.
It has been a long day and a half, but well worth it. Edge is already sitting and giving full attention anytime there is food :) Edge's first toy in his new home, a bunny! As you can see, he is really enjoying it!
We also took a nap later in the day as we had a long night flying cross country.
As we continue on our travels from New York to Ohio, Edge travels like a pro. He did have a little bit of a temper tantrum as he wanted my breakfast sandwich and I tried to zip up his door. He just wanted breakfast too as it was 6:30 am on Saturday by this time. So we shared our first meal together, an egg and cheese sandwich :) While in New York he rode an elevator and an escalator. He is becoming quite the traveler before he is even 9 weeks old.
Friday, November 28, 2008
We meet!

On Friday, Nov 28, I met with Debbie and Bruce and met the Rockville gang as well as *Blue collar* (now known as Edge) and his 3 litter mates that were still at Rockville. It didn't take long to know that this little boy was the one. He would sit and stare into my eyes. There was a connection that is hard to describe. But *we* understood it. After meeting all the relatives, taking a short nap, playing with birds and puppies, we loaded up to head back to the airport. Edge and I flew from San Francisco to New York and he was a good boy. He slept the entire flight and even put his head on my foot to sleep in the plane (shh, we didn't tell anyone that he was not zipped up the entire time :) This is a picture of Edge in his little sturdibag waiting to board in New York. We're almost home....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The wonderful news

On Tuesday, November 25, I received wonderful news that this beautiful puppy was available. He is not only a Rock great-grandson, which ties him to Jag, but he also goes back to my to the lines of my incredible Catfish. The perfect gift from my awesome boys. After many emails, pictures and phones calls, I am off to California to meet this special little boy.
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