Mom was wrapping gifts tonight and I decided to help! First I took her slipper and put it on her back (she was sitting on the floor.) That didn't get me much, so I took off with it. She didn't even notice?? Huh, that's not right. So I took it back in and dangled it in front of her face, "hey, Mom, look what I've got." Well, that got her attention and then I got cookies for taking it to her (smile). Then I noticed a bag of really great stuff, cookies and bones and toys.. hmm, wonder if that is some of MY Christmas. I really want something early.
So next I stole her pen and took off with it. She got me before I had a chance of earning cookies for taking it back. Then I walked in the middle of her wrapping and started going through the bows. She just told me to go get on my bed. hmmm, this is no fun. What to do... aha! Steal the scissors, you should hear the change in her voice when I have scissors. Especially if I hold them just right.
That did it!! Once I took the scissors she asked if I would be good if she gave me a new bone. Of course I will. Why did it take you so long to figure it out???
I got an early Christmas present!! I hope she wraps gifts again tomorrow :)