Sunday, January 31, 2010
The Life of Edge
(that' me!!) We had a busy day today, we did all our exercises in the morning and then did some training. Mom and Gary took me to Home Depot, Gary had to get some things and Mom let me visit all my friends and we played some more. I really like going there as every one gives me a lot of attention and I REALLY like to see the kids!! But we practice too, and I enjoy that as every one watches me.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Rally Class!!
Mom and I went to rally class tonight. We haven't been for awhile as she has been working later on Fridays and we can't get there in time. But last night she told me she would try really hard to get home on time as we both needed to go do something. She even spent her lunch hour cutting up my chicken and cheese for my treats. I was so excited when she got home early and told me we were going. I didn't even sleep on the way there as I was so excited. I got to see all my friends again and visit with them. Hans and I even got a quick lick in as our Moms didn't realize we were getting so close.
We did an off leash AKC excellent course and I did really good! Mom was so proud of me and every one said what a good boy I was. It was really tight, but I was paying attention and did everything I was supposed to. Clue was even working right beside me and I didn't pay attention to him. And then at the food bowls (with really good food, BTW) there was also a tunnel. So I had to heel between food bowls AND a tunnel.
Cindy brought some really yummy treats for everyone and they were my "jackpot" for doing such a nice job. I hope Mom and I can go again really soon as I really like going!
We did an off leash AKC excellent course and I did really good! Mom was so proud of me and every one said what a good boy I was. It was really tight, but I was paying attention and did everything I was supposed to. Clue was even working right beside me and I didn't pay attention to him. And then at the food bowls (with really good food, BTW) there was also a tunnel. So I had to heel between food bowls AND a tunnel.
Cindy brought some really yummy treats for everyone and they were my "jackpot" for doing such a nice job. I hope Mom and I can go again really soon as I really like going!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Shake, Shake.... Shake your frozen chicken!!

You too can do the frozen chicken dance. Directions: take one stuffed chicken toy, put on deck before a big rain, leave overnight, add some snow and ice - frozen chicken ready to go!! Then pick up and run and SHAKE it!! Then for the best part, when Mom tries to take your picture, throw it in her lap. Then mom *shakes* trying to get rid of it. Woohoo - how much fun we have!!!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Talking to Lucy
I am talking to Lucy to get her to play with me. She did chase me, which I thought that was FUN!
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mom got out my tunnel and I showed her how to run through a tunnel. It didn't take her long to figure it out and then we were going back and forth through the tunnel. Then I would run through while she ran around and we would meet at the ends. It was soooo much FUN! I also showed off and showed her how to do rally. Gary was very impressed that I could pay attention and do my rally while she was running around and watching me. Little did he know that I was showing off for her :)
We went outside to play too, but Mom would not let us in the yard because there is so much mud. We had to stay in the potty yard and you just can't run in there. I ran around the deck some, but that was it.
She may get to come back next weekend, but if not, she will be back the following week to stay with us for a week. Woohoo! I can't wait, we will have so much fun.
Outside again - finally!!
Mom and I went outside this morning to play. We have not been in our play yard for a LONG time because of the weather and then I hurt myself again on the ice. I was so excited to go out in my yard again. Mom was teasing me that I forgot everything I learned as I was not listening to her. I guess I was just too excited to concentrate.
Later today I have a friend coming to play. Mom told me she is a cute little Weim girl - I can't wait!!!
Later today I have a friend coming to play. Mom told me she is a cute little Weim girl - I can't wait!!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Rally Trial 2
After lunch, we got to play all over again. We had Level 1 and of course, I was first again! I did well on this course, but got distracted at the 3rd obstacle and had to repeat it. Someone was coming out of the kitchen as we were walking toward it, so I had to see what they were doing??!! After that I did great. And Mom was very proud of me that I was able to get it back together like nothing happened. Then we had a left finish and I got to do my great flip finish and jump way up in the air, hug mom and land in heel position. It really IS fun!!
Between our runs I got to play with my friends and take another walk. Then Mom went to walk our second Level 2 course and said it was really hard. Even the more experienced Level 2 people thought it was hard, all the tough signs all in one course. We had to do a long distance send to an obstacle, a left 180 pivot, food bowls, a moving down, a "call front while running" (Mom tells me to wait and takes off running and then calls me after about 4-5 steps) and the bonus was a stand for exam. No one thought I could do that since I am such a social boy. But I showed them, I did it like a pro!!! The judge even complimented me for a great run!!
I earned my second Level 2 leg and a second place. Mom was very proud of me as she did not think I would be able to hold it together for that long. Cindy, my instructor, was very proud of me too.
We also got a lot of great pictures again. Mom should have them in a few weeks so I can post them for you to see. Mom took her Flip, but she never gave it to anyone to tape me. Maybe next time I can have videos...
Between our runs I got to play with my friends and take another walk. Then Mom went to walk our second Level 2 course and said it was really hard. Even the more experienced Level 2 people thought it was hard, all the tough signs all in one course. We had to do a long distance send to an obstacle, a left 180 pivot, food bowls, a moving down, a "call front while running" (Mom tells me to wait and takes off running and then calls me after about 4-5 steps) and the bonus was a stand for exam. No one thought I could do that since I am such a social boy. But I showed them, I did it like a pro!!! The judge even complimented me for a great run!!
I earned my second Level 2 leg and a second place. Mom was very proud of me as she did not think I would be able to hold it together for that long. Cindy, my instructor, was very proud of me too.
We also got a lot of great pictures again. Mom should have them in a few weeks so I can post them for you to see. Mom took her Flip, but she never gave it to anyone to tape me. Maybe next time I can have videos...
Rally Trial 1
Mom and I went to the APDT trial today. We only entered Level 1 as Mom did not feel I was ready for level 2. After much debate (and convincing from Sue) Mom officially entered me in the "big boy" class - off leash!! I heard Mom tell Sue that she would remember who told her to do this!! We first had Level 1 which was on leash. Mom went and walked our course and when she went to check in found out we were first!! OMG! Walk through was almost over and we were first. Mom and I ran out so I could potty, ran back in, did a few things and it was our turn!! We did very well on this course. I was almost a perfect boy. Toward the end of the course, we had to do a sit-down-sit-down and by the second down I figured Mom was confused so I just looked at her, like what??? Well, I guess she read the sign right and she had to tell me again to down, so we lost a point. Other than that we were clean!! So we had a 209 out of 210.
We had quite awhile to wait since we were first in Level 1 and almost last in Level 2. We took a long walk and then came back inside and visited with friends. I LOVE to go see my friends!!! When it was getting close to our turn, Mom was getting nervous. I'm not sure why, I really am a good boy :) When we got in line, Sue was sitting there and she was telling her all the things I "could" do.... she said I could retrieve the food bowls (or eat all the food) or I could go visit with the judge (I do like to introduce myself to everyone!) or I could run away, but I'm not sure where she thought I would go?? We have to do figure 8s around 4 food bowls full of food and Mom was afraid I would try to eat the food or take the bowl??? Isn't she silly??
We had probably the hardest bonus too - but I knew I could do it. While mom was heeling she would tell me "down" and she would keep walking. I had to down where she told me and she had to keep walking to the next sign, then call me to front.
Well - guess what??? I did great, even though Mom was nervous, and I didn't even touch those food bowls. Mom told me to "leave it" and I did!
And even better - I WON the class!!! woohooo! maybe NOW she will trust me. I earned a 203 out of 210. Pretty good for the first time in Level 2. As Betsey said, Mom "unleashed the beast."
We had quite awhile to wait since we were first in Level 1 and almost last in Level 2. We took a long walk and then came back inside and visited with friends. I LOVE to go see my friends!!! When it was getting close to our turn, Mom was getting nervous. I'm not sure why, I really am a good boy :) When we got in line, Sue was sitting there and she was telling her all the things I "could" do.... she said I could retrieve the food bowls (or eat all the food) or I could go visit with the judge (I do like to introduce myself to everyone!) or I could run away, but I'm not sure where she thought I would go?? We have to do figure 8s around 4 food bowls full of food and Mom was afraid I would try to eat the food or take the bowl??? Isn't she silly??
We had probably the hardest bonus too - but I knew I could do it. While mom was heeling she would tell me "down" and she would keep walking. I had to down where she told me and she had to keep walking to the next sign, then call me to front.
Well - guess what??? I did great, even though Mom was nervous, and I didn't even touch those food bowls. Mom told me to "leave it" and I did!
And even better - I WON the class!!! woohooo! maybe NOW she will trust me. I earned a 203 out of 210. Pretty good for the first time in Level 2. As Betsey said, Mom "unleashed the beast."
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Playing in the snow

We have a LOT of snow in our yard. We have not been in the training yard since last weekend so there was a lot of undisturbed snow. Mom opened the gate and turned me loose!! I ran all over the place in the deep snow. Then I would eat it and my entire face would be covered in snow. I would charge Mom and she would try to take my picture. We had a lot of fun out there playing and it doesn't even seem cold anymore. Mom did take a lot of pictures, she thought I looked very handsome in some of them and yet silly in the others. That's me...
Thursday, January 7, 2010
We had a HUGE snow storm today. We were supposed to start agility classes tonight, but they were even cancelled because of all the snow. I was hoping it would snow so much Mom wouldn't go to work tomorrow, but it looks like it won't be that bad. We were able to go out and run and play in the snow while it was coming down and it was a lot of fun. I LOVE playing in the snow!! Mom teases me that I sure like the snow for a California puppy. Gary even came home early and brought pizzas for dinner. We had a great night!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
We got to go play "birds" today. I was so excited when I realized where we were going. It was really cold outside (17 degress AND lots of wind) but I forgot about being cold when there were birds. In between working, my teeth would chatter. We have been working really hard on my "whoa" with bumpers, frozen quail and other fun things, but today was the test with real birds. I did a GREAT job. I was able to hold my "whoa" with birds being thrown on the ground in front of me. Then we would walk and Mom would whoa me as the bird was leaving the bag. Mom was very proud of me!! We are going to continue working on this as well as our bumper work at home until our next lesson. I ended up with a couple of cuts on my feet from working out in the snow, but they were fine by the time we got home. I think Mom was more worried than me - I just wanted to do bird work!!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Year's FUN

We had a lot of fun today. Mom and Gary stayed home all day and we did stuff around the house, played outside, played in my training room and ATE GOOD FOOD!! We had pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and sauerkraut for lunch and I helped Gary cook. I got to eat a lot of the garlic pork tenderloin, Gary said it is good luck to have pork and sauerkraut for New Year's. I just thought it was "GOOD."
(Did you notice my ears? Since I was helping, I had to "pull my ears back")
More fun in the snow
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