When we got up this morning, Mom had a really bad headache. We really wanted to go play today, so she kept pushing to get ready. She went back to bed twice!! But told me she would do her best to get me there. I am so glad that we made it, I really like going to rally! We had a great morning even though Mom did not feel well. And of course today's course had all the spirals and weaves, so Mom had to go round and round and round in circles. She warned the judge before the class :) There is also the "scary" corner that a lot of dogs do not like and I REALLY do not like it, it SMELLS bad in that corner. Today in Level two we had to do lots of things in the corner - off leash. Mom did not think I could do it! Ha, I fooled her. I did all of it and did it great :) And I even did the down from a distance bonus. I was such a good boy and we earned both of our titles in the morning!! It was fun to go up and get my BIG ribbons and everyone clapped for me!! I got a 206 and a 205!!
After our celebration, Mom decided to go out and take a nap. She thought she would have about an hour before our next class so she planned on coming back at 11:30. Well, 11:30 came and went and no Mom... I was watching and I saw them walking. Uh-oh, I think that is our class. Thank goodness for our friend Carla, she went out and woke Mom up. She had just enough time to walk the course and potty both of us and we were in. Well, needless to say, I had to be "team leader" as Mom was sleep walking!! She even has sleep lines on her face. Good thing I know what to do. The best part was at the end, on the bonus sign. We finished our bonus, but Mom kept standing there staring at the sign. I don't think she knew if she was done or not. So I let her know we were done. I launched in the air in celebration and then everyone applauded. Woohoo! how exciting, they were clapping for ME!! I did a good job leading our team as we earned a 200!
I met Amy, the Pet Nanny, as she was clapping for me too. I really liked her and she liked me too. She gave me lots of good rubs and I almost sat in her lap!
We have one more run to go and then Mom said we are going home. She still was not feeling well, but hanging in there so we could play. She tried to lay in my cage with me, but I didn't think that was a good idea. I was out of there!!
We had our second Level 2 run and there were food bowls!! Mom put a pile of roast beef in the middle of the floor and made me heel around it without touching. That was mean!! At least the food bowls have kibble in them. There are 4 of them and you have to do 2 figure 8s around them and *I* am not allowed to get out of position to smell them. How mean is that?? But the roast beef was a good warm up and I listened and never even looked at the food bowls. We had another super run with a 205.
Mom said that now we have our first DQ on our Championship Excellent. So we are already started on a new goal!! But that is good as I like to play rally.