We packed the van this morning and headed to Hamilton for a rally trial. We went to Mom's chiro on our way as she still was not feeling well and thought this may help. She did feel much better after her adjustment. Then we stopped at Panera for our bagel. I really like their bagels and Mom always shares with me on our way.
We got there in plenty of time to get a good crating spot. We got all settled in and Mom went and checked out our course. We were a little concerned as the judge was a Lt. Colonel and there was not a big entry so we were not sure what to expect. Luckily after arriving and meeting him, he was a very nice man. Well, I was not worried, but Mom was.
We had to wait awhile for our turn since we got there so early. Mom thought it was funny that I was sitting and watching and waiting for my turn.

We were the first dog in Advanced A and I could tell when it was almost our turn as Mom would pace back and forth from the check in sheet to the cage. When we entered the ring, the judge was joking with Mom about wearing a short sleeve short when he had to wear a suit coat. Then we were off... I did a really good job of staying under control. I wanted to explode, but knew I had to listen to Mom. Then I got to do my left finish and I LEAPED in the air and flipped around and sat down. I heard the crowed "OOOHH" at me. When we were done the judge told Mom that his dog did the same thing!
We ended up with a 95 and a 4th place. Mom thought we could have done better, but it was a long week and I didn't get much practice or exercise. That was my title!!!
Oh, and Gary was right. I think the judge liked me :)
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