Thursday, December 31, 2009
Home with Gary
Gary had today off work for the Holiday and we had a lot of FUN!!! We went out and played in the snow many times today. Gary threw snowballs at me and I would launch and catch them. Then I ran around in the snow and played with him. We kept calling Mom at work and telling her what we were doing :) I think she was jealous.
Gary went to get groceries too. I saw that he brought home shrimp! YEA!! I LOVE shrimp; I can't wait until we get to eat it. Looks like we are going to have another fun holiday weekend.
Gary went to get groceries too. I saw that he brought home shrimp! YEA!! I LOVE shrimp; I can't wait until we get to eat it. Looks like we are going to have another fun holiday weekend.
Holiday week
Mom and I have had a lot of fun this week. I have had lots of chicken legs and turkey necks for breakfast. I came in this morning to find my towel on my bed and I started dancing as I knew it meant I got something really GOOD for breakfast. We have played a lot in our training room and every time Mom tries to stop, I tap her and run back in the room and say "MORE"!!! I love our new room. We played frisbee for a long time last night too and I learned that when Mom says "OUT!" I am not allowed to grab it back. (I guess I would grab her fingers too, so no more of that!!)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Mom - It's Time to Play!!!
When Mom got home from work tonight, she told me she was very tired. We all ate dinner and then she told me that she needed to take a nap and then we could play. We slept for awhile and I was a good boy and slept with her. After about an hour, I figured we had slept enough and now it was my turn. Mom was sleeping and I dropped my tennis ball toy right in front of her nose. I saw her moving and stood there to watch. She didn't get up so I backed up and did a great big "WOOF" to get her attention. THAT got her up. YEA - now we get to play. She got to sleep and now I get to play.
Bird stuff for Christmas
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sharing 101
Mom told me that this time next year I may have a new little brother. I was so excited to hear that I may have a brother next year!!! But then Mom mentioned "sharing" - I don't think that sounds like fun. Mom could tell by my expression what I was thinking, so she told me we are going to have to start working on sharing exercises. Do they offer "Sharing 101" classes?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Another Holiday soon
Mom told me that next weekend is another Holiday. Wow!! I am so excited, two Holidays in a row. I guess I have done this before but I was so young I don't remember. Mom said she has 4 days of work and then we have 3 more days to run and play and do whatever we want. And then the next week we start agility class. I have never been to an agility class before, we always do agility at home. It will be fun to go do agility with my friends.
Night time snow

It started snowing a lot tonight and Mom and I went out and played in it. It was really coming down and was like little pellets for awhile. We ran in it and Mom threw snowballs at me. I like to jump up and catch them. I took a toy outside with me and it froze so we played retrieve with a frozen toy. I like to lick and eat the snow too, it tastes really good. Mom just told me that I should never eat yellow snow!!
Another FUN day!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Playing outside

Friday, December 25, 2009
A great day...

A Wonderful Christmas

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Grandma and Grandpa visit!!
YEA!! My grandma and grandpa came to visit tonight and I was so excited. Not only is Santa coming tomorrow, but they came to visit tonight. It is Grandma's birthday today so Mom and Gary took her out to eat and they brought back GREAT food for me!! They also had Graeter's ice cream cake and I got my very own piece. I played with Grandma and then curled up on the couch beside her and she rubbed my ears... ahhh.. it was so nice to lay with her. I can't wait until they come back to visit again.
Waiting on Santa..
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Ribbons! Ribbons! Ribbons!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Rice Crispy Treats - YUM!!!
Mom and I made rice crispy treats tonight and they were soooo good. Mom was in the office on the phone and I went in to the kitchen to just take a "small" bite out of the pan, but after one bite I could not stop. I just kept licking and eating them. They were so good and I was enjoying them so much I did not hear Mom walk up behind me. BUSTED!!!! uh-oh.....
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Making the bed - EDGE style!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mom took a vacation day today to finish up for the Holidays. I went with her and it was SOOO boring. Luckily we were done early and we went outside to play. I had to keep hinting to her that she promised!!! She was on the phone so I went over and kept hitting her coat and looking at her - like "hey, remember!! you promised we could play!" Finally she took the hint and we went out. It was cold, but we both dressed warm so we could run and play. It was a lot of fun. Mom chased me and I ran around like a racing greyhound. It felt so good to go out and stretch my legs and fly around the yard.
My new "big boy" coat
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Wow - I am so excited about my new training room. I run through the weaves on my own, but make sure Mom is watching me. Mom and I trained again tonight and I did not want to stop, I wanted to keep playing and playing - it was just so much fun. We took a break and then got to play again. I am hoping that we can play again before bedtime. There are so many fun things we can do now and I enjoy all of them.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
All about EDGE!!

Friday, December 11, 2009
It was so cold this week!! Mom and I could not do much outside as it was like 1 degree. We also had a lot of wind, the kind that would blow us away. Mom took me to Home Depot on Thursday night so we could get out of the house. Then we had rally class tonight. I did okay, but lots of extra energy that just *exploded* sometimes. Mom threw cookies across the room and let me run after them.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Who knew?!?

Sunday, November 29, 2009
TRYING to sleep!
New Rockville website
My grandma Debbie has been working really hard on a new website. She is doing a great job showing my mom, grandma, brother, all my sisters and other relatives.
I have my very own page at :
Here is the link for Rokville's home page:
I have my very own page at :
Here is the link for Rokville's home page:
Fun Holiday Weekend!
We had so much fun this weekend. Not only is it Thanksgiving weekend, it is the one year anniversary of me coming to live with Mom and Gary. So we had a lot to celebrate :) After the snow on Friday, Saturday and Sunday were really nice. We played outside a lot! I got to go out and just run too. We worked on whoa training, retrieving training, ground work (that's what mom calls it, I call it "chasing mom!" and getting cookies for doing it!!) I am getting really good with my whoa and mom is ready to use real birds now. She keeps saying I do well with the bumper but it doesn't have wings and smell good - haha! she is just sooo funny.... She had Gary come out and try to distract me as he can be a good distraction. I have also been working on my jumping and I am at 20" now. Mom set up a little course today just to see what I would do - I did GREAT! She had Gary come out and watch/video me so every one can see how good I am. Not too bad considering I have never done a "course" and just started 20" jumps.
Friday, November 27, 2009

Mom has not altered my new winter coat yet, but after the snow this morning, she decided she better get it done. Gosh, I sure did not realize altering was so much hard work. Put it on, take it off, put it on, take it off. I finally figured out when it was almost "try it on time" and I would run upstairs and get in bed. It sure is hard for mom to put a coat on you when you are in bed :)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Turkey Day Fun!

Happy Thanksgiving
Monday, November 23, 2009
Almost Turkey Day
I can't wait until Thursday, it will be my first Thanksgiving with Mom and Gary. I get to go to Brier's house and see all the kids and my grandma and grandpa. Gary keeps saying I will probably repeat what my great-grandpa Rock did and steal turkey off the counter. I heard he was pretty good at knowing when and where to strike!! On Thanksgiving, he just walked by the counter, bypassed all the veggies and with one swift leap he was up, grabbed a mouthful of turkey and was gone! He was a resourceful boy.
Sunday, November 22, 2009

I had so much fun today AND earned a new title. When we got to Keeton's mom and I walked up to the house and there was a pigeon walking down the drive way. I was going to get him!! He was just teasing me and I was going to show him! But mom would not let me, I had to leave him alone. Gosh, I thought we were there to find birds???? We were in the fifth brace today and my brace mate was a cute little Vizsla girl that was the same age as me. We got to play a few minutes before our run, then we were told that was it, all business now. When we went to the line, mom pointed straight ahead and told me I HAD to do the back course. I kept scaring her and looking to the bird field every time she told me. I like to play tricks on her :) When she turned me loose, I was off!! I was very good and did the back course before heading to the bird field. Eden and I ran side by side a few times, but we knew we were there to work. I hit the bird field and was on point within a few minutes. I had to hold point for a long time as mom was really far behind me. I think she needs to learn to run faster!! She flushed the bird and I was off. I was a good boy to hold point that long. Then I found another bird and was on point again!! Mom tried to flush the bird, but it kept running, so I helped her. I dove in and grabbed it!!! I was good though and turned and took it right to mom. Then I found 2 birds!!! I locked on point and when mom flushed, they both took off. That was a twofer!! :) Eden and I were a good team and we even worked together during our run. I would like to hunt with her again!!! When our time was up, mom called me and I went right to her. But I still kept hunting on my way out. There were more birds out there to be found. That was our title!! But mom told me I could still go play next weekend. I was happy to hear that as I really like hunting birds!!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
JH Leg #3 and LOTS of birds!!!
What a day!!! Mom and I went to Keeton's again for a hunt test. Today I was in the 8th brace and we got there early again, so I got to walk around and visit and see the birds in the pen. I played with a little 5 mo. female Weim puppy. She was really cute :) And my brace mate from last weekend, Lupita, was there too. She is a really cute little Vizsla girl. It was finally my turn and Mom was worried because it was warm again and a lot of dogs were not finding birds. She told me that ALL I had to do was go through the back course (no cheating and running directly to the bird field!) and finding and POINTING one bird. We go to the line and RUN. My brace mate today was really rude though, she kept trying to take me out and would run into me from all sides. She almost took mom out twice. The judges tried to split up the braces, but she wouldn't listen. Finally when we got to the bird field, the judge told mom to try to get as far away from the other dog as possible. As soon as I hit the bird field, I found a bird and was just going on point and here she comes, flying through between me and the bird. Luckily mom was able to get us to the other side of the bird field and I was able to work. I had so much fun, there were birds every where. I ended up finding SIX birds!!! I think mom was getting tired of firing her gun. I did catch one bird when mom flushed it, but I was very good and took it right to mom. I had so much fun and I know mom was very proud of me. And when we were leaving the bird field - I found a seventh bird!! woohoo!! that was a lot of birds in one run.
Updates coming soon
Sorry I have not updated my blog lately, Mom and I have been REALLY busy with our bird work (YEA!!!) so check back in a few days and I will tell you all about our adventures. Even about sending MOM back to school :)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Conformation Shows!
We went to the Columbus Conformation shows this weekend. I did much better this weekend and didn't fight Mom or put on my brakes instead of gaiting. I won my class one day and earned a placement the second day. Mom was VERY excited that I showed so well. I even wagged my tail after my down and back. We also walked around, visited and did some shopping. I got a new bed for my kennel from Cedarcreek - I LOVE their beds!! I have three of them now. I do not know when we will do any more conformation as there are not any local shows for awhile.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
JH Leg #2

After we showed on Friday, Mom and I headed to the bird field to practice. On Saturday, we went to Keeton's for the hunt test. It was 70 degrees and really hot. I was excited when I saw my brace mate, a cute little Vizsla girl named Lupita. We went to the line and then we were off! This time I went straight to the bird field!! Mom yelled for me a couple of times and then she started into the back course, so I decided I better go with her. By the time I got to Mom I was really hot and my tongue was hanging. When we got to the bird field, I started working an area and started to point and then realized it was just a hot spot, no bird. Mom raised her hand, but then realized what was going on. I am really good at knowing the difference and Mom knows that I am. I moved on and found a bird and had a great point. Mom raised her hand again and walked over to flush. You could see where a bird had been, but that was NOT what I was pointing. Mom casually brushed over the area, but she did not trust me and told me "no bird" and to move on. Well, I showed her, I reached right in and grabbed that bird!!! The judge even told her "guess there was a bird in there, wasn't there??!!" I keep hearing how we need to go for ME to practice, hmmm, *I* think Mom needs to practice :) Or better yet, trust me. She did apologize to me and told me she was sorry she didn't trust me. So I guess we are even now. I let her take me home as well as my ribbon and second JH leg. Oh, I did find and point more birds and mom flushed them!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Busy Sunday
I almost caught a bunny this morning. He was in my potty yard and he ran the wrong way to get out and I just about caught him. I will be ready next time!!!
Mom and I spent all morning driving around trying to find shoes for her and a battery for our bird launcher. It seemed like we were driving forever... we finally found a place that could make the battery for us, so that is what we did. Then we had lunch at Jersey Mike's and went home. I was happy to be home and run around in the back yard. We did a lot of fun stuff today since it was so nice out. We worked on our retreives with the frozen quail. I was a very good boy and would run out and get it and bring it right back to Mom's hand. She started making it harder and harder. I had to wait until it hit the ground before I could go after it, then she made me wait while she walked it out to where she wanted me to retrieve and returned to me before she released me. Then we worked on "take it" and "out." We also worked on our conformation and our agility ground work. Gary said I looked very handsome doing my pretty boy stuff. We have our last show of the year this weekend, including a Weim Specialty.
Mom and I spent all morning driving around trying to find shoes for her and a battery for our bird launcher. It seemed like we were driving forever... we finally found a place that could make the battery for us, so that is what we did. Then we had lunch at Jersey Mike's and went home. I was happy to be home and run around in the back yard. We did a lot of fun stuff today since it was so nice out. We worked on our retreives with the frozen quail. I was a very good boy and would run out and get it and bring it right back to Mom's hand. She started making it harder and harder. I had to wait until it hit the ground before I could go after it, then she made me wait while she walked it out to where she wanted me to retrieve and returned to me before she released me. Then we worked on "take it" and "out." We also worked on our conformation and our agility ground work. Gary said I looked very handsome doing my pretty boy stuff. We have our last show of the year this weekend, including a Weim Specialty.
First JH Leg!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Great weekend and another New Title!!!

Mom and I had a great weekend. We got up early on Saturday and went to the WW APDT trial. We were the very first class, so we had to get there very early. I only needed 2 more legs for my RL1 title and we had 2 trials on Saturday. I was a little more distracted than Mom thought I would be since we were in our building. Plus my friend Hans was there too! I was very excited when I saw him! I earned a 4th place in my first run. I even did the off leash bonus at the ring exit!! Mom wasn't sure if I would stay in the ring or not, but I did it!! We also qualified in our second run and we had another off leash bonus. I was such a good boy and earned my title today. We took several walks during the day and had a lot of fun. I was so tired by the time we got home and I took a nap before dinner. Then Mom gave me a one hour masssage before bed, ahhh, that was so nice... paying attention for two runs is hard work!
We got up early again on Sunday and went to play again. I moved up to the "B" class today. I was a good boy and earned 2 more legs, so now I have 2 legs on my RL1X title.
After we got our ribbons, Mom and I headed to do bird work. I love to go to Dan and Barb's. They have a bird field in their back yard - how cool is that??!!! And not only a bird field, but hundreds of quail and pigeon. It is so exciting to go there to hunt!! I did a nice job today and had some really nice, stylish points. I even stayed on point long enough for Mom to go in and flush the bird. I can't wait to go back and play!!!
What a great weekend - I am off to take another nap.... enjoy the picture Mom took of me with all my ribbons and toy.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Handsome boy!

Mom and I had fun tonight. We worked on retrieving with a frozen quail and I waited until released and then brought it back to Mom, well, most of the time I did :) Then Gary fired the gun while I was retrieving. After that we took a break and worked on my stacking. Aren't I handsome!! Mom and I finally have the issues worked out and we are a good team at stacking. She said she is going to start taking a quail with us to shows to play with before we show. Sounds great to me!!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Pumpkin Pose
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