We arrived early to go into the jumper arena and play before everyone arrived. I was excited and wanted to go in the ring and play!! We worked on the practice jump and running up and down the aisles. I had to wait in my cage quite awhile before our turn since we came early, plus Mom didn't realize jumpers started at 8:30, we were ready to go at 8:00. I guess she better *read* the confirmation next time!
In jumpers, they had us go in the ring while the other dog was running and I really liked watching the dog ahead of me finish. Mom left me on the start line and lead out, it was jump, jump, tunnel and I took off like a bullet, she was not expecting that and she was moving to catch me as she wanted to front cross the tunnel!! I missed my weaves again, but came back and did them the second time. I had a clean run, although we did have a little miscommunication on a front cross. Hmm, I think Mom took her eyes off me.... We still earned a 100 and a second place, my First JWW leg. So far we are 3 for 3 for our first trial!!!
We had to wait quite awhile before our standard run, our last run of the weekend. Pinky the cute Weim came to see me and we visited before she went home. That was fun as she is really cute :) We took several walks outside and walked around the building and visited friends. I saw my cute BC friend, Pizazz, too. We have been to a lot of seminars together and I always like to play with her.
Mom came to get me to go outside and said it would be our turn soon, I was anxious to go run again! Today's standard course was difficult for Novice, at least that is what Mom said??!! There were some very tight turns and several obstacle discriminations. We had one 24" dog ahead of us so we didn't have to worry about jumps and table being set while we were on the line. We headed to the line, it was jump, dogwalk, with a jump and 180 to the aframe. After the Aframe it was jump with a left turn to the teeter but a jump straight ahead. Mom told me early that we were going to the teeter, she was worried as a lot of dogs took the off course jump or had a really bad approach to the teeter. But we worked together and I did the teeter with a safe approach. I also did the chute the first try and it was a fast approach to it. Mom was so proud of my table, I got right on and laid down like a good boy. She told me how good I was for doing that and for staying! It did take a few tries for my weave poles, but once I hit the entry I sailed right through them and then 2 jumps to the finish! Woohoo! we had another clean run.
Later we found out we were the only 24" dog to qualify. Guess Mom was right about it being a difficult novice course!! We earned a first place and our second Novice standard leg.
Time to pack up and go home!! What a great weekend.