Welcome to my blog. This is all about me, Edge, and growing up with Mom and Gary. Mom was going to blog but I took over as it is a lot of fun. I am a Weimaraner that loves to hunt, play rally, agility, run, and eat good food. The World is my Playground and you are invited to share my experiences!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Novice Agility Title

I earned my NA (Novice Agility) Title today with a second place. Mom has been complaining that I can't hit my weaves at a trial, and just as I entered, she pulled me out to restart. Hmm, maybe *I* am not the problem... I did do my weaves on the second try both times today. I also earned my second Novice Fast leg. We were the first dog and the timer was not set so we did not get the buzzer. Mom had a choice to take the 50 pts, std time and a Q or we could rerun. It was so hot in that building and I would have to rerun FAST and then run std about 15 minutes later, so she just took std time and points and the Q.

We went home and took a nap and cooled off and went back a few hours later to run JWW. We had to wait about 90 minutes and I just got too hot. We were not going to run, but Mom thought she would try.... bad decision. It was so hot my brain did not work...

She said tomorrow we would just run FAST in the morning and maybe standard and then come home. It is just too miserable with no AC and no air movement when it is 90 degrees outside.

We had a good day though, I got to see some of my friends and also meet new friends! Mom forgot all our ribbons at the trial, so no pix tonight. She was in a hurry to get me cool!

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