After break, it was MY turn. Megan told us what we were supposed to do, Mom loaded her pockets with cookies and we left the building.
When we walked in, it was so different. Dogs were standing around, people were opening crates, everyone was gathered around talking and laughing and there was even a dog working in the ring! Boy was I excited! I had to take it all in. Hmmm, guess that was not the example I was supposed to give. But we went back outside and came back in. I did much better this time and turned around and faced Mom like I am supposed to. I looked at Ginger as she is really cute, so Mom and I played the "see it" game and finally I didn't want to look at her. We walked a little and then did some mat work. Then we played see it again... Mom was about out of cookies, but luckily someone brought her my bag of cookies to reload her pockets. We made it to my cage and then Mom went to pretend check in. I was a good boy in my cage, just like always.
Then she came back and we did some mat work and then played attention games. We did eye contact, hand targets, and doggie zen. We approached the ring and Jacq was working and he is just SOO cute, so we played see it again. I am good at that game.
We did some more attention work and then Megan wanted us to demonstrate the GMAB game, but I just couldn't. I was focused on Mom. Everyone was teasing that she couldn't even push me away - but that is GOOD. So then it was our turn, the food had to go away as no food in the ring. We walked up to the ring gates, Mom walked in and I turned and looked at her. Then we did side and I gave her my full attention. Then we got to play on the jump! woohoo!!! We got a standing ovation and zoomed and jumped and twirled. I like for people to watch me!!!
What a fun game to play!! But Mom said the cooler was empty, I ate all the cookies. I heard her tell someone that I didn't get dinner since I ate so much salmon and roast beef. Like she thought I would not realize I didn't get dinner???
Megan and Helix finished up the seminar and everyone started packing their stuff. I thought for sure I would get dinner in the van, but Mom just pretended like she had no idea it was dinner time.
We had a very uneventful drive home, which was good and pulled in a little before 10:00. We unpacked the van and went to bed! It was nice to be home and sleeping in my bed. BUT it was worth going as we had sooo much fun and I think Mom may have learned some things :)