After it was all carried in and arranged, here is my great spot:

We had a great area and we could open the gates to watch everyone else, or close the gates and work off leash in our area.
We did a lot of basics today, lots of mat work, warm up type exercises (hand target, eye contact, doggie zen) a lot of thinking type games. We each got a turn in the big ring and got to "be a dog" so that Meghan and Helix could see our default behaviors. I was a good boy and stayed with mom most of the time. I did scan a time or two, but kept my attention on her and ran back when she tossed cookies for me. I also demonstrated my "default behavior" which is to sit and look at mom's eyes! I know that gets me cookies!!
After our big day, we went back to the hotel for dinner and a walk. And then I crashed! It was a long day with a lot of "brain" work!

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