Thursday, June 30, 2011
I guess I left my pizza pillow in the yard and Gary hit it with the mower - it went POOF! all over our yard. When I saw it Iwas sad that it was in soooo many pieces.
Not a fun day
Well, another bad day... we get up and I am not allowed to have food or cookies. I just do not understand why Mom thinks this is acceptable. I am a hungry boy when I get up.
Then I have to go back to the doctor and get stuck with a needle. I was a good boy, but still... Why more blood work?? I just had blood work. Mom apologized for my "great" odor, but Dr. Badami had a cold, so she couldn't smell me. Mom told her she was lucky. Wow, they just don't appreciate me.
Then we get home and I have to have another bath. Three baths in 12 hours, I think they are going to dry out my skin if they don't stop with the bathing!
Then I have to go back to the doctor and get stuck with a needle. I was a good boy, but still... Why more blood work?? I just had blood work. Mom apologized for my "great" odor, but Dr. Badami had a cold, so she couldn't smell me. Mom told her she was lucky. Wow, they just don't appreciate me.
Then we get home and I have to have another bath. Three baths in 12 hours, I think they are going to dry out my skin if they don't stop with the bathing!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
New "perfume"
Mom and I went outside today and she thought she was going to work outside, did she not learn from last time?? No working in the play yard!!!
Last night I rolled in the cool grass and had so much fun and she took pictures of me and we had a good time. Well, today I found something REALLY good to roll in - skunk poop!! woohoo! how good it smells. I rolled and rolled and rolled and Mom saw me out of the corner of her eye, but didn't think anything about it. Well, I think when I really pushed my ear into it on the way into a good roll she realized something was up!!! By the time she got to me I had really covered my head well. I had it inside and out on both ears, all over my neck, my back and even on my legs. I did a great job!!
Well, so much for fun.... I had to have 2 baths - not just one, but 2. Who has to have 2 baths!! I still smelled good though :)
Last night I rolled in the cool grass and had so much fun and she took pictures of me and we had a good time. Well, today I found something REALLY good to roll in - skunk poop!! woohoo! how good it smells. I rolled and rolled and rolled and Mom saw me out of the corner of her eye, but didn't think anything about it. Well, I think when I really pushed my ear into it on the way into a good roll she realized something was up!!! By the time she got to me I had really covered my head well. I had it inside and out on both ears, all over my neck, my back and even on my legs. I did a great job!!
Well, so much for fun.... I had to have 2 baths - not just one, but 2. Who has to have 2 baths!! I still smelled good though :)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Mom finally let me go out and play/train tonight. I have been begging to train since Friday and she would not let me. It was so nice out tonight and I finally feel better so we went out and did obedience and then some agility and then mixed them together. We would heel and do a spin and then take a jump. And then we would heel and Mom would send me to the poles. Then we played the "smoke ya" game. Like Mom thinks she can beat me??? I am so glad we finally got to enjoy this great weather!!! I love to train outside when it is like this.
More pictures, of a different kind
Well, everyone knows how much my Mom likes to take pictures. Sometimes I can hardly see, or see spots, because of all the flash. But it makes her happy and I AM pretty photogenic.
Well, my doctor likes to take pictures too! But a different kind. She took pictures of my bones!! How cool is that. I sure hope Mom doesn't learn how to do that.
My sacrum and lower spine from the side:

My spine and sacrum on my tummy:

My elbows:

My hips:
Well, my doctor likes to take pictures too! But a different kind. She took pictures of my bones!! How cool is that. I sure hope Mom doesn't learn how to do that.
My sacrum and lower spine from the side:

My spine and sacrum on my tummy:

My elbows:

My hips:

Walk at the park

Mom and I went to the park today for a walk. We thought since it was sprinkling that we may be all alone. Not the way it worked... when we got there people were spread out just enough that I could not run. I had to stay on my leash and I do not really like to do that. Then we got behind some really slow man and he kept turning and looking at us. He finally stopped at the bench and let us pass. Then everyone seemed to disappear, so I was able to run for the rest of the time we were there. That was the best!!
Here is Mom's view of our morning:

A better day
I woke up feeling much better and I proved it by talking and talking and talking to Mom and Gary. I do think I was cheated on my breakfast though... Mom doesn't think I can count, but I sure did not get as many chicken necks as I usually do!!
After breakfast I got another nice massage and I rolled around on the floor and talked to Mom. She said, yep! he is feeling better!!! After my nap, we are going to take a walk at the park.
I sure hope I can go to class this week. I had to miss all my classes last week and I did MISS them!!
After breakfast I got another nice massage and I rolled around on the floor and talked to Mom. She said, yep! he is feeling better!!! After my nap, we are going to take a walk at the park.
I sure hope I can go to class this week. I had to miss all my classes last week and I did MISS them!!
My bunny
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Good day turned bad
Today started as an exciting day. Mom and I went to the chicken neck store and got 130# of those chicken necks!! I was so excited when they brought out so many boxes. We took them home and started grinding and packaging. Mom also had chicken livers and chicken hearts and even some lamb liver. I helped Mom and Gary with all the hard work. I was a good taste tester too.
Before we finished, Mom noticed my belly looked bloated and she was really concerned about me. She finished everything up and started working on me. She massaged me and did reiki and used the zeb and gave me phazyme to help get rid of that nasty gas. I did get rid of some of it :) She was thinking about taking me to the hospital as she was getting concerned about my belly. After working on me though, she could tell I was getting better. She took me out to walk to help relieve some of it too.
She could tell I was improving and we finally went to bed. I did get her up twice to go out during the night.
Before we finished, Mom noticed my belly looked bloated and she was really concerned about me. She finished everything up and started working on me. She massaged me and did reiki and used the zeb and gave me phazyme to help get rid of that nasty gas. I did get rid of some of it :) She was thinking about taking me to the hospital as she was getting concerned about my belly. After working on me though, she could tell I was getting better. She took me out to walk to help relieve some of it too.
She could tell I was improving and we finally went to bed. I did get her up twice to go out during the night.
Friday, June 24, 2011
No more tricks
I made sure I got all my cookies and breakfast today. Yesterday was such a surprise I didn't know what to do... but today I was ready. I managed Mom and Gary to make sure they did not forget to give me cookies and breakfast. Whew... luckily they listened and I got all my food.
Mom had to go to work early and Gary was going to take me out to run, but I was too worried I would not get my yogurt bone. So I stayed inside and stood by the freezer to remind him... hey, get it out of here Gary!!
Mom had to go to work early and Gary was going to take me out to run, but I was too worried I would not get my yogurt bone. So I stayed inside and stood by the freezer to remind him... hey, get it out of here Gary!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Rough Week
We have had a long, rough week. I went back to Dr Karen on Tuesday and it was confirmed I still have my "bladder bug." Mom and I thought so as I have been sick since I stopped my antibiotic. I have had Mom up every night with upset tummy. I feel bad getting her up as she has to go to work, but my belly is really upset.
Then on Thursday I knew something was up. No cookie, no breakfast, no cookie ball... hey, what is going on MOM??? Do you not see me begging?? Then I had to go to the doctor all by myself!! Mom took me and left me there?? what is that all about?? Then they poked and prodded me and made me take a long nap. I don't know what all they did, but my legs are sore. When Mom finally came to get me, I jumped up to hug her and pushed her blouse up. She said luckily just she and the tech were in the room! Then I ran into the door as I wanted to go home.

Mom worked from home the rest of the day so she could keep an eye on me. When we first got home, she said I was just like "Grandpa Rock" as I would NOT sit still. I was all over the place and kept running in to things. Then I went upstairs and Mom really panicked. She followed me up so she could help me back down. Then she blocked off the stairs, now that was not fair. I finally laid down under her desk and stayed there all afternoon until dinner time. I was so hungry as I had no food, the only thing I was allowed to have was ice. I slept all night, so hopefully Mom was able to catch up on some sleep.
Then on Thursday I knew something was up. No cookie, no breakfast, no cookie ball... hey, what is going on MOM??? Do you not see me begging?? Then I had to go to the doctor all by myself!! Mom took me and left me there?? what is that all about?? Then they poked and prodded me and made me take a long nap. I don't know what all they did, but my legs are sore. When Mom finally came to get me, I jumped up to hug her and pushed her blouse up. She said luckily just she and the tech were in the room! Then I ran into the door as I wanted to go home.

Mom worked from home the rest of the day so she could keep an eye on me. When we first got home, she said I was just like "Grandpa Rock" as I would NOT sit still. I was all over the place and kept running in to things. Then I went upstairs and Mom really panicked. She followed me up so she could help me back down. Then she blocked off the stairs, now that was not fair. I finally laid down under her desk and stayed there all afternoon until dinner time. I was so hungry as I had no food, the only thing I was allowed to have was ice. I slept all night, so hopefully Mom was able to catch up on some sleep.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Cool Gras
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Agility time
We have had a great day. We took a walk at the park and I got to run too. I was a very good boy and went back to Mom every time she called me. Good thing as that is the only way I am allowed to run. When bicycles are coming, Mom calls me and I have to sit beside her and wait until they go by, then I get to run again. I learned the hard way awhile back that if I do not go to her when she tells me, then I don't get to run anymore.
Then we came home and ate "cook out" chicken YUM!! And then we played in our back yard. We did some obedience and some agility and some running and playing. And of course my favorite game "get yer butt!" I like for Mom to chase me!! We had so much fun outside and then it started raining. It wasn't too bad so we stayed out and played in the rain for awhile, but it was getting worse so we had to come inside.
I took a nap while Mom did some work so that I would be ready to play some more!!
Then we came home and ate "cook out" chicken YUM!! And then we played in our back yard. We did some obedience and some agility and some running and playing. And of course my favorite game "get yer butt!" I like for Mom to chase me!! We had so much fun outside and then it started raining. It wasn't too bad so we stayed out and played in the rain for awhile, but it was getting worse so we had to come inside.
I took a nap while Mom did some work so that I would be ready to play some more!!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
A Busy Day
We went outside one more time tonight for almost an hour and Mom picked up all the branches and green pine cones and leaves and all the debris from the storms while I played. Then we practiced some of our obedience before coming in.
Even with all the rain and storms, we had a FUN but busy day. I am tired!!! Mom watched a webinar and I crashed on my bed. She zebbed me while I slept and it felt good.

Then I did this:

Even with all the rain and storms, we had a FUN but busy day. I am tired!!! Mom watched a webinar and I crashed on my bed. She zebbed me while I slept and it felt good.

Then I did this:

Rainy Day Fun
Well, the storm has hit and we cannot play outside. We had a lot of fun inside though. I got a new bosu ball to work on my core muscles (whatever that is!) so we played on that for awhile. Luckily Mom was able to get it inflated before the storm hit.

That was a big workout for me, so I took a rainy day nap while Mom got caught up on the computer and cleaned the office.

And then we made venison cookies - YUM! I helped Mom do everything and even taste tested the "batter" before we put it in the oven. I cannot wait to eat them after they are baked.

After making cookies I played with my new toy. Mom had to run errands and brought home a new toy for me, so I played tug and retrieve with it.

I guess rainy days aren't so bad, but it would be nice to go play agility now that I can. Maybe tomorrow....

That was a big workout for me, so I took a rainy day nap while Mom got caught up on the computer and cleaned the office.

And then we made venison cookies - YUM! I helped Mom do everything and even taste tested the "batter" before we put it in the oven. I cannot wait to eat them after they are baked.

After making cookies I played with my new toy. Mom had to run errands and brought home a new toy for me, so I played tug and retrieve with it.

I guess rainy days aren't so bad, but it would be nice to go play agility now that I can. Maybe tomorrow....
Early morning run
We knew there was a storm heading our way, so we went out to run early this morning. I played for a long time while Mom picked up all the branches and pine cones from last night's storm. They were everywhere! She still did not get it all done and we had to go in as I was getting really hot. We didn't get to train though as the grass was so wet Mom was afraid I would slip. I was excited to train, but I will have to wait... Maybe we can train inside today!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Give me my Baytril!
I only get my baytril once a day, but I think I should get it twice as it is making me feel better. Every morning when Mom is doing her exercises, I get it off the counter and take it to her. Here Mom, you forgot this. I want to get better!!! Not surprising, she doesn't listen. She takes it away and puts it back on the counter.
Hopefully I am all better though as I took my last dose tonight. I am feeling really good!!!
Hopefully I am all better though as I took my last dose tonight. I am feeling really good!!!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Helping Mom find walnuts
We have a walnut tree in the back yard and Mom says they can make me sick, so she always picks them all up. I saw her over there looking for something on the ground so I went over to help. She showed me a handful and said "help me find them." So I sniffed them and started sniffing the ground, I think Mom was surprised :) So then she told me, do not eat them, just point them!! Then I found one and it was kind of buried so you could not see it, but I could smell it. I told Mom and she looked and said find it! So I picked it up and tossed it at her. You know, I remember this happening before. Our first hunt test I went on point and Mom couldn't find the bird, so she told me there was no bird and to go on. Well, I retrieved the bird on my own. Even the judge told her to trust me. Hmm, wouldn't you think she would remember that. Well, she did but after the fact.
I am such a good helper and can help do just about anything you want.
I am such a good helper and can help do just about anything you want.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Fun Night

Mom and I had so much fun tonight. We went outside 4 times today, I wish it would be like this forever!!! I get to go out and run before work, at lunch and then at least 2 times at night. We did our obedience and a lot of fun agility. I even volunteered the weaves and the teeter several times (the weaves always earn me BIG cookies!) The teeter is just FUN!! We also did some jumping and ran the dogwalk and Aframe a couple of times. I am so glad we get to play agility again, I have missed it.
Then Mom thought she would sit outside and work while I played. I don't think so!! We are to play together outside, no working allowed. She finally figured it out after I stared at her for awhile and she put the computer down and we raced around the yard playing chase. And then we stood very quiet and listened to a woodpecker.
I have soooo much fun playing outside with Mom. It is always just the two of us playing games, being silly and having fun. That is why I got so upset she thought she was going to work. She always says bad things when she reads her work email, so none of that in our play yard!!!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Glad I am feeling better
I am so glad I feel better today, it was so nice and cool outside and we went out to play lots of times. We went out for me to just run around, we went out to work on our obedience, we went out and did a few jumps and weaves, and then Gary went out with us and helped us move some equipment. I can't remember the last time I was allowed to do agility, so Gary had the equipment all lined up. He moved it so that we can start playing again.
I am resting now and Mom said I will sleep good tonight. I have been playing almost all day with just one nap early this afternoon. Oh, we had another cookout too. Good chicken and veggies, I like veggies too but the chicken was the best part.
I am resting now and Mom said I will sleep good tonight. I have been playing almost all day with just one nap early this afternoon. Oh, we had another cookout too. Good chicken and veggies, I like veggies too but the chicken was the best part.
Fun at the park!!
We got up early this morning and I was feeling much better so Mom and I went to the park. It was cooler and cloudy so our walk was so nice. There were not many people there so I got to run too. The people that were there told Mom what a good "dog" I am. Well, I am good, but not sure about a "dog" ???? When people would get close, Mom would call me and have me sit/wait in heel position until they were past and then I could run again. Since I was so good, Mom continued to let me run. The people passing us were amazed that I was so good. But I was good cuz I wanted to keep running! We walked for about an hour and then we came home. I got ice to eat for the ride home.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Not feeling good
I have prostatitis and now on BIG GUNS antibiotics and it is really knocking me down. I have little energy and then crash. And my belly hurts, but it doesn't make me not eat. I need my food! Mom did reiki on my stomach tonight and it really helped, I sure needed something.
Grandma and Grandpa came to visit today and I was so happy to seem them. I talked and talked and talked to them. But then I had to take a nap. But was able to visit some more when I got up. I am glad they stayed. I really enjoy when they come to visit us. I always show them all my toys and bones.
Grandma and Grandpa came to visit today and I was so happy to seem them. I talked and talked and talked to them. But then I had to take a nap. But was able to visit some more when I got up. I am glad they stayed. I really enjoy when they come to visit us. I always show them all my toys and bones.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Obedience Class
Mom and I have been going to a new obedience class and it is a lot of fun. We are learning a lot and getting to practice in a group setting. I even got to practice my beginner novice stay in a ring, we have never done that before. I did a great job, but we have been practicing in the back yard. We have learned new games to play for heel and recalls. There is one that is my favorite and every one thinks I am cute because I get so excited. We practiced figure 8s this week and I think I do a better job than Mom. She has a lot of footwork to do, but I stay in place even if she doesn't do her footwork. I get so excited at our class I bounce up and down between exercises. And this is even in the heat :) I am glad we are going to continue going to class as I have a lot of fun.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
H O T !!!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Gary's shirt
Morning Run
Monday, June 6, 2011
Mom's idea of funny
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Buffalo Cookies
I helped Mom bake cookies today - buffalo cookies. I was taste tester for the batter and it was GREAT!!! I even licked it off Mom's hands after she made all the cookies. I get to use them for training tonight - I cannot wait! They smell soooo good!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
New Neighbors
Time to get up!!
Mom has been taking me out to run every morning before work. It has been so nice to go out and run to start my day. Well, this morning, Mom thought she would sleep in. I don't think so.... we need to go outside and run! Gary was up, so Mom sent me down to him, but I went back upstairs and insisted Mom GET UP!! She wanted to know what she could do that Gary couldn't. Take me outside to run, that is what!!
I won - she got up and we went out to run before it got too hot. I like our new schedule :)
I won - she got up and we went out to run before it got too hot. I like our new schedule :)
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